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Divine musical appointments

February 13, 2013

A friend in North Africa shares this...

It wasn't the first time he had found himself in this small town talking to this man. Six months earlier, David*, a worker living in North Africa, had met Mehdi* in this exact spot.

Traveling around the region with his guitar, David stopped to play. Mehdi, a young man in his twenties, was one of the many curious to meet this musical foreigner. As a singer and songwriter, David began to share Jesus through his music. Before leaving, he gave Mehdi the Gospel of Luke as a gift.

"(Mehdi) seemed more interested in my music than in what I told him about Jesus," said David. Still, he prayed Mehdi would read the Gospel.

Now, David had a second chance. Right away Mehdi told David he had read the entire book of Luke and had lots of questions. So much was different from what he knew, he said. When David left, Mehdi had a Bible and a film about Jesus.

Seeing Mehdi's excitement after such a brief encounter, David was encouraged to continue praying. "It has an impact," David said. Please pray for Mehdi and others like him to find the hope of Jesus in 2013.